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Vaida Masiokaite

record: W:2  L:14  D:4  KO:1
Win Ratio: 10.0%
KO: 5.0%
OCR: W:55 L:21 D:2
OCR Win-Ratio: 70.51%
Upset:  0
L upset:  0
 upset = underdog win and favorite odds *2 <= underdog odds
 record: as of 2022-02-05

bout data

2 matched

date odds* rslt rd division odds opponent
bout detail 2022-02-05 13.00 L: PTS 6/6 light 1.03 Caroline Dubois United Kingdom
2 14 4 1, age:34
last 5: 0 5 0 0
0 0 0 0, southpaw, age:21
last 5: 0 0 0 0
bout detail 2021-10-02 14.00 L: PTS 6/6 bantam 1.02 Ebonie Jones United Kingdom
2 10 4 1, age:33
last 5: 1 3 1 0
0 0 0 0, orthodox, age:--
last 5: 0 0 0 0


21 matched

date w l d rslt opponent w l d
2022-02-05 2 14 4 --:-- Caroline Dubois 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-12-18 2 13 4 L: PTS Rhiannon Dixon 3 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-12-08 2 12 4 L: PTS Kristine Shergold 6 6 0
United Kingdom
2021-11-20 2 11 4 L: PTS Natasha Jonas 9 2 1
United Kingdom
2021-10-02 2 10 4 L: PTS Ebonie Jones 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-09-10 2 9 4 L: PTS Jordan Barker 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-09-03 2 8 4 L: PTS Linzi Buczynski 1 0 0
United Kingdom
2021-07-30 2 7 4 L: PTS Rebecca Ainscough 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2020-02-22 2 7 3 D: PTS Kirstie Bavington 3 1 1
United Kingdom
2019-12-07 1 7 3 W: PTS Ebony Carlin 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2019-11-23 1 7 2 D: PTS Chelsey Arnell 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2019-09-28 1 6 2 L: PTS Rhiannon Dixon 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2019-07-20 1 5 2 L: PTS Kalliopi Kourouni 9 2 0
United Kingdom
2019-07-06 1 5 1 D: PTS Sam 'SJ' Smith 9 3 0
United Kingdom
2019-05-18 1 4 1 L: TKO Chantelle Cameron 9 0 0
United Kingdom
2019-04-27 1 3 1 L: PTS Bec Connolly 1 4 0
United Kingdom
2019-04-06 1 2 1 L: PTS Cherrelle Brown 4 0 0
United Kingdom
2019-02-23 1 1 1 L: PTS Eftychia Kathopouli 1 1 0
United Kingdom
2018-12-01 1 1 0 D: PTS Anelle Massey 0 0 0
United Kingdom
2018-11-24 1 0 0 L: PTS Elaine Greenan 0 2 0
United Kingdom
2018-05-16 0 0 0 W: TKO Erika Kietyte 0 0 0